RattleBag and Rhubarb

Citizen Science

I learned a great deal about eels from Graham Swift’s remarkable 1983 novel Waterland set in the watery fens of eastern England. The history of the scientific understanding of the eel – Aristotle posited that they sprang from the mud – and the mystery of their epic migration to spawn  in the Sargasso sea feature in the story of a…

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RattleBag and Rhubarb

New Recycling System Open for Business

The high school Enviro Club reports that the new recycling facility has been rolled out and is ready to use in Gilkeson! Faculty advisor Brent Boscarino reports: I’m super proud of everyone who contributed to it- Li and her students are really to thank for the design of the central “cool bin”- it is truly cool and major props to…

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RattleBag and Rhubarb

What if there were no PDS?

I’ve been pondering Seth Godin’s recent column What if you stopped? and applying it to PDS. What if Poughkeepsie Day School  went away? Would anyone miss it? Would it matter? Would anyone care?  I’ve adapted his questions here. What would happen if we shut the doors tomorrow? (I know what would happen to those of us  who work at PDS but that’s not the…

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RattleBag and Rhubarb

What a night!

We had a terrific benefit auction party last night. So many thanks are due to volunteer auction chair Ann Enriquez who put together a terrific crew who worked tirelessly. Many people made this night possible and I am thankful for them all. The gym was transformed into a place of magic and romance, the food was good, the music wonderfully…

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Education, RattleBag and Rhubarb

What’s wrong with this picture?

I always enjoy Valerie Strauss’s Answer Sheet blog in the Washington Post. She frequently provides a platform for teacher voices and education issues so often drowned out by the drumbeat of test and standardization mania. She had a great piece last week What a Classroom Engaged in Real Learning Looks Like It’s about the work of Aleta Margolis of the…

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RattleBag and Rhubarb

Why PDS? A Lower School Parent Writes …

If you’re thinking about Loving Learning and what all that emerging, integrated and experiential curriculum looks like in the real classroom here’s what a fifth grade parent shared on her Facebook page. It is reproduced here with her permission: A glimpse into why we do everything we can (read spend all of our money and time) to send our son…

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Books, Poetry, RattleBag and Rhubarb

Paper Cuts: Josh at the Sewing Machine

The first day of alleged spring and another day disrupted by the rituals and routines of early dismissal. By  mid afternoon the buses had come and gone and all after-school activities and athletic practices cancelled. Students and faculty had wisely left ahead of the icy roads. Luz – our wonderful cleaner –  was vacuuming the Kenyon staircase and apart from…

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RattleBag and Rhubarb

Before Endeavors Melt

It’s been a cold winter here in the Hudson Valley.  Poughkeepsie records only go back to 1949  but this February was the coldest with a whopping 12.7 degrees below average temperature.  And then March came in like the proverbial lion breaking another record with -2 degrees F in the first week. And then there was the above average snowfall. With…

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RattleBag and Rhubarb

Global Studies and Math Count

Dropped by the prek-k last week and found them deep in a pattern block exercise (well it actually felt like a game) with the help of their teachers Amy and Judy plus the PDS math guy Stephen Currie. And then – when that was done and dusted  – it was time to find a book. This one is Families Around the…

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RattleBag and Rhubarb

Big Storm Brewing

Bombogenesis – that’s the wonderful word that the indispensable (for our region at least) forecasters and watchers at Hudson Valley Weather introduced me to a few years back. It’s a meteorological term meaning rapid or extreme cyclogenesis often characterized by a barometric pressure drop of 24 millibars in a 24 hour period. And cyclogenenis means  the process which leads to the…

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RattleBag and Rhubarb

Violin Vinyasa Yoga for PDS Parents

“Violin Vinyasa Yoga,” an after-school enrichment program FOR PDS PARENTS begins on January 21. Violin Vinyasa Yoga is for yoga lovers of all levels of experience. The focus of this class a natural flow from pose to pose initiated by breath. The goal is an increase in strength, flexibility and peace of mind. Each class concludes in the final resting…

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RattleBag and Rhubarb

Can you read?

Here’s a story from the end of last year that I forgot to post. What does this say? And because this is the age of statistical analysis and big data the results were collected and charted. And was I one of those fooled? Yes, I was! But I was not alone.