Art, Poetry, Politics, RattleBag and Rhubarb

The United States Welcomes You

We’re happier when we chat to strangers, but our instinct is to ignore them via @researchdigest — Tina Seelig (@tseelig) July 19, 2018 A tweet from Tina Seelig led to this interesting piece of research:  It’s become a truism that humans are “social animals”. And yet, you’ve probably noticed – people on public transport or in waiting rooms seem…

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Art, Poetry, RattleBag and Rhubarb

The Good Life

Did you have times like these in your life? Times that you look back on with a sense of loss even though they weren’t exactly easy? Times that were tough but carefree enough that you recall them with nostalgia? Maybe you’re still living them. Diving down the back of the sofa to find the lost coins that will pay the…

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