Education, RattleBag and Rhubarb

Social Media and School Leadership

Lorrie Jackson recently interviewed me via email on the topic of heads of school and their use of social media. Her questions and my answers (slightly tidied up) are below. You can read her interviews with several heads of school here. 1.    Why should heads of school be involved in social media? As the institution’s leader, school heads need to…

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Education, RattleBag and Rhubarb

Where are the adults? Leadership and responsibility in the digital world.

Teacher of the Year Anthony Mullen has another excellent Road Diary post today.  At Kent State University, Ohio,  he walks down a grassy slope looking back at the spot where, almost forty years ago, the National Guard stood in line to confront student war protesters.  And then the  fatal 13 seconds that left four students dead. Those Guardsmen and the…

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Education, RattleBag and Rhubarb

The new literacy ladder. What rung are you on?

The world is moving at a tremendous rate. Going no one knows where. We must prepare our children, not for the world of the past. Not for our world. But for their world. The world of the future.  – John Dewey PDS graduates students who… possess a rich academic knowledge base and know how to think as creative, flexible, independent,…

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Education, RattleBag and Rhubarb

Do you Twitter?

We are experimenting with an additional way to help people keep in touch with what’s going on at PDS. If you twitter ( consider following @PoughkeepsieDay. We are linking it to our Facebook account as another way to keep up with what’s happening. Let us know what you think. And of course we appreciate your follows retweets and tagging (we…

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Education, RattleBag and Rhubarb

Teen Time Online: An interesting study

A high school parent writes: I think we knew this already (“study shows teens’ use of digital media show that America’s youth are developing important social and technical skills online – often in ways adults do not understand or value”) but it’s nice (especially as a parent) to be reassured. The study in question  can be found here in versions…

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RattleBag and Rhubarb

Mayhem, Mischief and Malice: The World Wild Web

From UniversityAffairs in Canada comes this technology tale of mayhem, menace, mischief and malice: The Wild Web. There’s even a really scary picture to go with the now fairly familiar story of social networking sites and web 2.0 users run amok. It’s important to think about these things because they are not going away. The article is about the impact…

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Education, RattleBag and Rhubarb

A Digital Crossroads

Digital kids in a digital world. What’s to worry about? Here is a short interview with John Palfrey author of Born Digital. Hear him in person at PDS on November 3rd. (NYSAIS on Tuesday November 4th.)

RattleBag and Rhubarb

The Digital Deluge

Do you suffer from email apnea? Are your hunter-gatherer instincts affecting your attention span and productivity? Help – or at least serious recognition of the problem – may be at hand. See today’s NYTimes Lost in E-M ail,Tech Firms Face Self-Made Beast. Photo: Jeremy Bishop

RattleBag and Rhubarb

Get out of my Face(book)

Here’s an interesting (but not surprising) twist on the ubiquitous social networking and web 2.0. Students in the UK are telling universities to leave them alone and keep out of sites like MySpace and Facebook. Stay out of MySpace. Seems like they are objecting to social networking being co-opted for academic content and communication. “Students really do want to keep…

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RattleBag and Rhubarb

The PDS Podcast

Listen in to the life of the school.   Subscribe to the PDS Podcast series. In this episode: The first All-School Activity School photos Re-cycling in the 3/4’s class Halloween The PDS Podcast