Art, Poetry, RattleBag and Rhubarb

The Lake Isle of Innisfree

Did you have a special place as a child? Perhaps somewhere secret and magical? A corner of a city park, a place in the garden, somewhere under the trees or behind the shed?  Do you have one now? For the artist Paul Nash his first special place was Kensington Gardens, in west London, near where he was born in 1889.…

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Politics, RattleBag and Rhubarb

Consumed by Hate

Imagine being so consumed with racial hatred that you travel all the way from Maryland specifically on a mission to kill black people. This is what seems to have happened last Monday night when Timothy Caughman suffered a brutal sword attack from a complete stranger apparently intent on targeting black men in New York City. Caughman, who was 66 and lived…

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Art, RattleBag and Rhubarb

Gordon Parks at Vassar

There’s an interesting photo exhibit just opened at the Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center at Vassar.   Called “the Making of an Argument” it shows the story of Gordon Park’s Life magazine photo essay from 1948. The subject was Leonard (Red) Jackson – the teenage leader of the Harlem gang the Midtowners. The story was titled “Harlem Gang Leader” and…

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Education, RattleBag and Rhubarb

The Perils of Education

What is more discouraging in history than the way in which, again and again, the human spirit is freed from its shackles only to be more tightly bound by its liberators?         – Opening sentence of The Technique of Progressive Education A. Gordon Melvin 1932. 1932 – two years before the founding of Poughkeepsie Day School and a time…

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Education, RattleBag and Rhubarb

The Unconcert and the Unconference

Inuksuit is inspired by the stone sentinels constructed over the centuries by the Inuit in the windswept expanses of the Arctic. The Inuktitut word translates literally “to act in the capacity of the human”. This work is haunted by the vision of the melting of the polar ice, the rising of the seas, and what may remain of humanity’s presence…

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Education, RattleBag and Rhubarb

High Stakes Testing New York City Style

A colleague from a neighboring school has sent the following link from the  New York Times. It’s a cautionary tale of just how much can go wrong when the political focus is test scores and not learning. On New York School Tests, Warning Signs Ignored. When New York State made its standardized English and math tests tougher to pass this…

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RattleBag and Rhubarb

Take Another Picture

Year two of the lower school Take One Picture project* and the picture is (drumroll please): Fantasy Castle with Men on Zebras by Squire Vickers. Vickers was the Chief Designing Architect of the New York subway system from 1906 to 1942 and an avid painter. Engineering fascinated him and he saw the massive structures of modern cities as feats of…

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