Puberty Blockers

Puberty Blockers – a Blight on the Brain Puberty Blockers: A Blight on the Brain Puberty Suppression: Medicine or Malpractice Statement of Purpose In recent years, it has become standard practice for doctors in the United States and other countries to prescribe puberty-blocking drugs to adolescents who express dissatisfaction with their bodies or social roles. These drugs are often referred…

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Education, RattleBag and Rhubarb

Disease and Pestilence: School Edition

As my inbox and timeline fill up with Corona Virus updates and advisories this is little footnote to my post about the much fabled NYC Lincoln School (1917-1940) The School is Dead, Long Live the School. Lincoln was dedicated to experimentation and research in the interests of uncovering the best ways to education children in a modern democratic society. They…

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