Education, RattleBag and Rhubarb

Enough with all the grigor

Grant Lichtman has just suggested a  bunch of words better than grit  And they all work. And now it’s time to take on the rigor.  Grit and rigor – sounds like a scouring powder or bathroom cleanser  rather than a prescription for learning. Take a look at these definitions and then consider why on earth people would want to associate it…

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Education, RattleBag and Rhubarb

Grit Hits the Fan

      It’s a good word grit. It’s short, and it has the  good old English language virtue of getting right to the point. It also sets my teeth on edge. Why? Well for one, grit – it seems – has become one of those condescending terms that successful people use to describe what the less successful lack.  Gritlessness…

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Education, Poetry, RattleBag and Rhubarb, WW1

Darkness and Light

What 60 schools can tell us about teaching 21st century skills. Here’s the TEDx Denver version of the talk Grant Lichtman gave at #naisac13 in Philadelphia. I take my title from an extraordinary compliment that Grant paid Poughkeepsie Day School on his blog where he wrote: “…Poughkeepsie Day School, a school that has preserved the fires of the Progressive Era, un-extinguished, for decades,…

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Education, RattleBag and Rhubarb

“We are not teaching our children … what they need to know.”

The world is moving at a tremendous rate; no one knows where. We must prepare our children not for the world of the past, not for our world, but for their world. The world of the future.    –  John Dewey I met Grant Lichtman when he was on his education journey – a road trip with an itinerary that took him…

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