Education, Politics, RattleBag and Rhubarb

What is the purpose of high school?

Lots of chatter about the fresh faces, diversity and new perspectives of the incoming class in the House of Representatives. Here’s a heartwarming story of the new everyday congress folk via Time magazine. It captures snippets of their hopes, dreams and earnest aspirations. Watch it below.  My new congressman Antonio Delgado is in the group and also Max Rose from…

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Education, RattleBag and Rhubarb

Simple ideas: Education’s only purpose and one true test

Is the only true purpose of education to help children stay learners for life? To learn how to learn? I was going to use the word “become” instead of “stay” but we all know that children arrive at school as avid, eager questioners and learners eager for the information and autonomy that comes with knowledge and skills. And  the true…

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Education, RattleBag and Rhubarb

What is school for?

Seth Godin is a marketeer and prolific generator of ideas.  His blog often has interesting  nuggets about education. The purpose of school is to….here’s  his first ten of 27 answers. Any you would like to add? Remove? (My personal favorite is number 23 – sandwiched in between the sublimely lofty and the tongue-in-cheek – Minimize public spelling mistakes So, here’s …

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