Education, RattleBag and Rhubarb

It’s a MakeSTEAM world: Design Thinking on the Move

I’m just back from a fantastic three days at the NYSAIS STEAMCamp. Twitter: #steam13 So much to think about, so much to process and so many plans to make for the new year. Thank you to NYSAIS for hosting the event and to all the leaders, facilitators and participants. And special thanks to all my wonderful PDS colleagues. Design thinking…

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Education, RattleBag and Rhubarb

“We are not teaching our children … what they need to know.”

The world is moving at a tremendous rate; no one knows where. We must prepare our children not for the world of the past, not for our world, but for their world. The world of the future.    –  John Dewey I met Grant Lichtman when he was on his education journey – a road trip with an itinerary that took him…

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RattleBag and Rhubarb

Come Play the Way we Learn

Come play the way we learn – it’s an invitation and it’s on a billboard right there on Hooker Avenue*. The invitation is to the big event we have coming up on Saturday – Fall Festival  Reimagined. I love that invitation because it strikes right at the heart of the negative stereotype that I heard so much about when I…

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RattleBag and Rhubarb

“Parents needed as Play Agents?… Surely You’re Joking PDS!”

If you’ve been to the webpage, read your email,  looked at Facebook or been on campus you will know that the  FFR (Fall Festival Reimagined) wing of the PA is actively recruiting older students and parents to be Play Agents for the big event on Saturday, November 19th. Readers of this blog will know that I’m a card-carrying believer in…

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