Art, RattleBag and Rhubarb

New York City Through the Window: Art

And New York is the most beautiful city in the world? It is not far from it. No urban nights are like the night there. I have looked down across the city from high windows. It is then that the great buildings lose reality and take on their magical powers. They are immaterial; that is to say, one sees but…

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Art, Books, Poetry, RattleBag and Rhubarb, WW2

Falling Wall

I began this post in 2017. The original focus was Louis MacNeice’s’s poem “Brother Fire”. MacNeice was a fire-watcher during the London Blitz which meant that he spent nights on rooftops watching for, and reporting, fires caused by incendiary bombs. The poem expresses a human kinship with the destructive power of fire:  O delicate walker, babbler, dialectician Fire, O enemy…

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